All’s Fair In Love revolves around two friends, Demi and Kanla, who are thriving in their fashion business. However, everything changes when they both develop feelings for the captivating Mbali, who enters their lives unexpectedly. As they vie for Mbali’s affection, a love triangle unfolds.
All’s Fair In Love (2024)
Genre: Drama, Nollywood
Release Date: 2024
Stars: Buhle Samuels, Ireti Doyle, Juliet Ibrahim, Adedimeji Lateef, Beauty Tukura, Venita Akpofure, Kunle Bamtefa, Gbubemi Ejeye, Kenzy Udonsen, Oprah Okereke, Timilehin Ojeola, Deyemi Okanlawon, Timini Egbuson
Language: English
It’s a very romantically complicated and compassionately aggressive love ballad.